
Proposed fix for duplicity Azure backend breakage

At work, I just got a Microsoft Azure Cool Blob Storage allocation for doing off-site backups. The Python-based duplicity software is supposed to be able to use Azure Blob storage as a backend. It does this by using the azure-storage Python module provided by Microsoft.

Unfortunately, a recent update of azure-storage broke duplicity. The fix was not to hard to implement; mostly minor changes in class names, and one simplification in querying blob properties. It took me a few hours to make a fix, and I just submitted my changes as a merge request to duplicityThe proposed merge can be found at Launchpad.

UPDATE Unfortunately, I made a mistake and made my changes against the 0.7.14 release rather than trunk. It looks like there is already a lot of work in trunk to deal with the current azure-storage version.  So, I withdrew the merge request. I'll work from the 0.8 series branch, instead. Currently, it looks like 0.8 all works as is.


Linux daemon using Python daemon with PID file and logging

The python-daemon package (PyPI listing, Pagure repo) is very useful. However, I feel it has suffered a bit from sparse documentation, and the inclusion of a "runner" example, which is in the process of being deprecated as of 2 weeks ago (2016-10-26).

There are several questions about it on StackOverflow, going back a few years:  2009, 20112012, and 2015. Some refer to the included runner.py as an example, which is being deprecated.

So, I decided to figure it out myself. I wanted to use the PID lockfile mechanism provided by python-daemon, and also the Python logging module. The inline documentation for python-daemon mention the files_preserve parameter, a list of file handles which should be held open when the daemon process is forked off. However, there wasn't an explicit example, and one StackOverflow solution for logging under python-daemon mentions that the file handle for logging objects may not be obvious:

  • for a StreamHandler, it's logging.root.handlers[0].stream.fileno()
  • for a SyslogHandler, it's logging.root.handlers[1].socket.fileno()

After a bunch of experiments, I think I have sorted it out to my own satisfaction. My example code is in GitHub: prehensilecode/python-daemon-example. It also has a SysV init script. 

The daemon itself is straigtforward, doing nothing but logging timestamps to the logfile. The full code is pasted here:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.5
import sys
import os
import time
import argparse
import logging
import daemon
from daemon import pidfile

debug_p = False

def do_something(logf):
    ### This does the "work" of the daemon

    logger = logging.getLogger('eg_daemon')

    fh = logging.FileHandler(logf)

    formatstr = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
    formatter = logging.Formatter(formatstr)



    while True:
        logger.debug("this is an DEBUG message")
        logger.info("this is an INFO message")
        logger.error("this is an ERROR message")

def start_daemon(pidf, logf):
    ### This launches the daemon in its context

    global debug_p

    if debug_p:
        print("eg_daemon: entered run()")
        print("eg_daemon: pidf = {}    logf = {}".format(pidf, logf))
        print("eg_daemon: about to start daemonization")

    ### XXX pidfile is a context
    with daemon.DaemonContext(
        ) as context:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Example daemon in Python")
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--pid-file', default='/var/run/eg_daemon.pid')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--log-file', default='/var/log/eg_daemon.log')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    start_daemon(pidf=args.pid_file, logf=args.log_file)


scikit-learn with shared CBLAS and BLAS

If you have your own copies of BLAS and CBLAS installed as shared libraries, the default build of scikit-learn may end up not finding libblas.so which libcblas.so depends on.

You may, when doing "from sklearn import svm",  get an error like:

from . import libsvm, liblinearImportError: /usr/local/blas/lib64/libcblas.so: undefined symbol: cgemv_

To fix it, modify the private _build_utils module:


--- __init__.py.orig    2016-11-08 16:19:49.920389034 -0500
+++ __init__.py 2016-11-08 15:58:42.456085829 -0500
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@

     blas_info = get_info('blas_opt', 0)
     if (not blas_info) or atlas_not_found(blas_info):
-        cblas_libs = ['cblas']
+        cblas_libs = ['cblas', 'blas']
         blas_info.pop('libraries', None)
         cblas_libs = blas_info.pop('libraries', [])


Optimized zlib

I wasn't aware of optimized versions of zlib, the free patent-unencumbered compression library, until today. I ran across Juho Snellman's comparison benchmarks of vanilla zlib, CloudFlare zlib, Intel zlib, and zlib-ng. The upshot is that CloudFlare's optimizations seem to be the best performing. And its decompression times were 75% of the vanilla version, while Intel and zlib-ng ran at 98% and 99% respectively. This would be a clear win for read-intensive workflows, such as some bioinformatics workflows.

Read more about how CloudFlare was contacted by the Institute of Cancer Research in London to help improve zlib at this blog post by Vlad Krasnov. Intel has an overview of zlib in its Intel Performance Primitives (IPP) product. And this is zlib-ng's GitHub repo.



Building Git 2.6.3 from source, I ran into this error:
    DB2TEXI user-manual.texi
/bin/sh: line 1: docbook2x-texi: command not found
This is the docbook to texi converter from the docbook2X package (which has not been updated since 2007).

For Red Hat and Fedora, the EPEL package repo provides docbook2X. However, the name of the script is changed because there is a newer docbook package. So, in the git source directory, edit the file Documentation/Makefile and change one line:

DOCBOOK2X_TEXI = db2x_docbook2texi


SWIG is great - Python DRMAA2 interface in less than an hour

I have never used SWIG before, surprisingly. I figured creating a Python interface to DRMAA2 would be a good self-tutorial. Turns out to be almost trivial, following the directions here.

My Python (3.5) DRMAA2 interface code is on GitHub - https://github.com/prehensilecode/pydrmaa2. The hardest part, really, was writing the Makefile.

NOTE: no testing at all has been done. This is just a Q&D exercise to use SWIG.